The French are suspicious of American Justice, and not without just cause. Police in America have become lazy and incompetent, and in order to make it appear that their jobs are being done, police agencies have resorted to manufacturing crimes. The City of Hollywood, Florida, has ascribed a nomenclature to such falsification of evidence as:
The practice of "Disney'ing" Evidence is so prevalent in Broward County and the State of Florida that the State Attorney for that jurisdiction refused to arrest or charge the Dr. Frankenstein of the Hollywood Police Department who perfected "A Little Walt Disney" on the Evidence in the Alexandra Torresn-Vilas Case. MSNBC followed the case: , as did Fox News and most other nationwide news agencies in the United States. Fox demanded to know, "Who was the Dr. Frankenstein at the Hollywood Florida Police Department that did the Walt Disney on the Evidence" :
The State Attorney in Broward county (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida) was asked about the corruption in his jurisdiction, and Mr. Michael Satz ran from the room, refusing to respond to the questions posed by news agencies: The following video was removed due to complaints because is showed Mr. Satz in a bad light.
Noting like a little censorship to polish one's image, right Mike?
Mr. Satz's policy at the State Attorney's Office, for the past 30 years, has been to protect and defend corrupt police officers and police agencies. A Whistle Blower from the State Attorney's Office recently exposed Mr. Satz' preferential treatment of corrupt police officers and his unwillingness to legally comply with the United States Supreme Court's mandate that the State surrender to a defendant's attorney all exculpatory evidence. Brady v. Maryland. Based upon Mr. Satz' recurring, and long-lasting, policy, thousands of persons charged with crime in Broward County have either gone to their deaths or served long terms in prison. The Broward County Public Defender, (Help-Me-Howard) Finkelstein, complained to Mr. Satz about his policy, but failed and refused to pursue the ill-gotten convictions.
Mr. Finkelstein wrote:
Those who have suffered the ultimate penalty (death), or have served, or are serving long terms (as much as 'Life-In-Prison with no chance of parole) in prison have been forgotten, or forsaken, due to financial demands that would have been put upon the Public Defender's Office by ascertaining each and every wrongfully imprisoned person's identity, or others put to death, in order to effect justice in their respective cases.
Mr. Satz' response to the Finkelstein letter:
Mr. Satz' response to the Finkelstein letter:
We do not have to surrender exculpatory evidence.
Hollywood, Florida, Police Department is infamous for "Doing a Little Walt Disney on the Evidence." Here is the link to, yet, another Disneyfied Video manufactured by the Hollywood Police Department to manufacture a crime and falsely convict an innocent person:
Mr. Satz complained to about this video having been posted on the internet. Yahoo, bending to the State Attorney's favor, utterly blocked this writer's Flickr account in concert with Satz to stifle the truth of this matter.
Mr. Finkelstein's Office and his Assistant, Madeleine Torres, were charged with incompetence in the criminal prosecution against Donald Baker, the subject of the above-shown Disney Video:
Mr. Finkelstein phoned substitute counsel, Scott Hecker, and advised that he was aware of the malpractice of Torres, or "deficiencies in judgment". The following video will explain that conversation. Listen as you watch what the falsified Hollywood Police Department Video showed:
Howard Finkelstein was advised that his assistant, Madeleine Torres committed perjury against her own client, Baker, by habeas counsel, Melissa Minsk Donoho, Esq.:
Judge Michael Gates, who was the presiding judge in the Baker case, acted as an arm of the State Attorney's Office, and even though video expert David Bawarsky, filed his report and testified that the Disney Video from the City of Hollywood was false, as were four additional video versions of the event Disney'fied,
and Judge Gates acknowledging that Baker was innocent, proceeded to sentence Baker to serve 60 months in the state penitentiary. Judge Gates' reasoning: The Public Defender knew of the falsified evidence all along but did nothing about it.
At the time of the habeas hearing, after years of dilatory delay by the state in continuing efforts to defeat detection of the corruption involved in the Baker case, Baker had served 42 months of the 60 month sentence imposed. Satz well knew that his evidence was false and altered and that he intentionally convicted an innocent person, removed his Top-Gun Assistant State Attorney, Scott Raft, from his position as chief of the corruptions-prosecutions unit (with only one such prosecution in the past 30 years according to the State-wide-Grand-Jury on corruptions), and set him upon the habeas corpus action filed by Baker. Indeed, Raft was the prosecutor of the year for the same year that he was assigned to the Baker case:
As you may have read from the Donoho Letter, above, Madeleine Torres (Baker's former counsel, removed due to incompetence), confessed the truth of Baker's habeas corpus allegations on THE DAY BEFORE THE HABEAS HEARING. Here is the habeas petition:
However, after she confessed, Scott Raft suborned false testimony from her in order to defeat Baker's habeas action. On the following day at the opening of the habeas hearing, Scott Raft gave extensive prologue as to what the testimony of Madeleine Torres would prove. Torres took the stand and in compliance with Mr. Raft's requirements of her testimony, testified falsely against her own, erstwhile client, Baker.
The United States Court of Appeal for the 11th Circuit in Atlanta recently ruled in the Baker case brought under Title 42 U.S.C. §1983 that Mr. Satz and Mr. Raft should not be chastised because they suborned perjury from Ms. Torres, and Ms. Torres should not be chastised because she followed the state attorney's direction to give false testimony against her own client, Baker. The 11th Circuit ruled that the introduction of false and altered evidence manufactured by the Hollywood Police Department was properly used, because it was used to deny access to the courts and to falsely convict, which was the State Attorney's function.
So the People of France, and the rest of the world, have just cause to doubt the arrest and prosecution of
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director Of IMF. Since the passage of the "Patriot Act" (AEDPA), false
convictions have run rampant in the United States under the pretext of Homeland Security. The truth of the matter is that prisons have become a for profit institution, and the philosophy held since the time of the founding of this country that "it is better that 10 men go free than have one innocent man convicted" has been reversed. The policy, today, held by the courts of this country is that it "is better than 10 innocent men suffer wrongful convictions than have one (1) guilty man go free. The constitution has been trashed and all but flushed down the toilet; the right to be secure in your houses, papers and effects, no longer exists, and as long as a corrupt police officer can conjure up "reasonable suspicion," the 4th Amendment has been scrubbed from existence.
As in the Baker case, a corrupt government may manufacture a crime, manufacture and alter evidence, perjure their testimony as long as it is to convict (and not to exonerate) the accused. In other words, as long as the perjury and false evidence is used to prosecute, and not to defend, the government is at liberty to use such dastardly conduct. But, if a defendant should try the same tactic, then the accused should suffer all the pains of imprisonment that the government can muster.
Citizens of France, and citizens of the world, the United States is no longer the nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all, as it once was. Pray for us, and the U.S.
John McNamara