The City of Hollywood Florida is one of the most corrupt Cities in the country. The City's police department (with the acquiescence of the governing body) has ascribed a nomenclature to its policy of falsifying evidence; the City of Hollywood calls such corruption, "DOING A LITTLE WALT DISNEY ON THE EVIDENCE." MSNBC, Fox, CNN and all major news agencies want to know why.
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The history of the Hollywood (FL) police department is sickening. Some of their atrocities are noted on Youtube:
Immediately below, you will see the attack and assault upon Baker, which occurred in less than 60 seconds after entering the holding area. The cops and the City of Hollywood manufactured a video and redacted these frames (among many others), before sending the video to the State Attorney's Office for prosecution.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Secreted Evidence & 2-Tier Justice System
We have recently found that the State Attorney for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Florida has a Two-Tier sustem of justice in Broward County. That system unconstitutionally protects police officers and other elite from criminal prosecution. We now know why Mr. Satz persisted in prosecuting Donald Baker after his office was made fully aware that the City of Hollywood Police Department supplied false and altered video evidence to prosecute Donald Baker. After the police beating and attempted murder of Baker, Baker spent four days in intensive care at Hollywood Memorial Hospital. He was forcibly removed from the hospital care and treatment by the Broward Sheriff's Office, which assured hospital staff that Baker's injuries could adequately be treated in the hospital facility at the Broward County jail. Hospital staff allowed BSO to remove Baker from their care. (THERE IS NO HOSPITAL AT THE BROWARD COUNTY JAIL AND BAKER'S MEDICATIONS WERE TAKEN FROM HIM, INCLUDING HIS PAIN MEDICATION, AND HE LANGUISHED IN PAIN AND LARGELY UNABLE TO MOVE FOR AND DURING THE FOLLOWING SIX WEEKS IN A COLD JAIL CELL.)
Follow this link >>LINK<< and click on the picture of Mr. Satz (on left) to get Mr. Finkelstein's perspective on the Two-tier System of Justice in Broward County. Mr. Satz knew that the City of Hollywood had altered and falsified video evidence, and he well knew that Baker was innocent. In order to protect these corrupt police officers from criminal prosecution under Title 18 U.S.C. #241-242, or civil liability under Title 42 U.S.C. #1983, he persisted in a malicious prosecution of Baker. In the process, knowing that there was, of necessity, a conspiracy to deny Baker his constitutional rights to access to the courts under the 1st, 5th and 14th Amendments, Satz violated the federal Mispirsion of Felony Act, Title 18 U.S.C. #4 by failing and refusing to inform a prosecuting authority of the beating, attempted murder and obstruction of justice by alteration of evidence by the City of Hollywood Police Department and its conspiratorial agents.
The news media, including all local television stations and news in print were aware of the corruption. Satz pretended to put his head in the sand. See, e.g., New Times Articles: >>ONE<<, and >>TWO<<, et al., (follow related stories at link. The City of Hollywood now calls their falsification of evidence, "Doing a Little Walt Disney on the Evidence." >>Link<< This is the kind of evidence that Mr. Satz has unlawfully secreted for years, and, minimally, his legal chicanery has resulted in the executions of innocent people and the unlawful incarcerations of thousands of citizens.
To read Mr. Finkelstein's letter to Mr. Satz advising that Satz has been secreting exculpatory evidence for decades, click on this link>>Finkelstein Letter<<. You may have to copy and paste this link into your browser address window:
Let me try this avenue: <<LINK<<, OR >>link<<.