The City of Hollywood Florida is one of the most corrupt Cities in the country. The City's police department (with the acquiescence of the governing body) has ascribed a nomenclature to its policy of falsifying evidence; the City of Hollywood calls such corruption, "DOING A LITTLE WALT DISNEY ON THE EVIDENCE." MSNBC, Fox, CNN and all major news agencies want to know why.
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The history of the Hollywood (FL) police department is sickening. Some of their atrocities are noted on Youtube:
Immediately below, you will see the attack and assault upon Baker, which occurred in less than 60 seconds after entering the holding area. The cops and the City of Hollywood manufactured a video and redacted these frames (among many others), before sending the video to the State Attorney's Office for prosecution.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Prosecutor of the Year Award, 1977 (This is how we reward subornation of perjury in Broward county). The Elected State Attorney sends his top dawg out to suborn perjury, because no other person in the State Attorney's Office has the horsepower or insurance of non-prosecution to perfect the job. View the award ceremony [click here].