The City of Hollywood Florida is one of the most corrupt Cities in the country. The City's police department (with the acquiescence of the governing body) has ascribed a nomenclature to its policy of falsifying evidence; the City of Hollywood calls such corruption, "DOING A LITTLE WALT DISNEY ON THE EVIDENCE." MSNBC, Fox, CNN and all major news agencies want to know why.
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The history of the Hollywood (FL) police department is sickening. Some of their atrocities are noted on Youtube:
Immediately below, you will see the attack and assault upon Baker, which occurred in less than 60 seconds after entering the holding area. The cops and the City of Hollywood manufactured a video and redacted these frames (among many others), before sending the video to the State Attorney's Office for prosecution.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Subornation of Perjury Rewarded:
When a State Attorney undertakes to win a case by subornation and use of perjury, it gets seriously stinky at the State Attorney's Office in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. A fiotiori, when the Public Defender is the person whose perjury is solicited and obtained, the entire courthouse begins to smell like 10-day-old dead fish.
Here is the link to the REWARD given to the Assistant State Attorney, Scott Raft, Michael J. Satz TOP-GUN, who was sicked upon a lowly pro se prisoner's habeas corpus petition to defeat that petition at any cost, including flushing the integrity of the State Attorney's Office down the toilet by demanding that Madeleine Torres, Mr. Finkelstein's assistant, commit perjury and lie against their own client, Donald Baker. Remember, Baker had already served 42 months of a 60 month sentence on this malicious prosecution, which the State Attorney and his assistants well knew to be predicated upon false and altered video evidence supplied by the City of Hollywood and its corrupt police agency. We have later learned that the City of Hollywood Police Department demoninates falsifying and altering video evidence as "DOING A LITTLE WALT DISNEY ON THE EVIDENCE."
So, as you watch this reward presentation, know well that Satz and Scott Raft are lying through their teeth as to every word they say. After viewing this video, go to the link to Flickr terrorisminblue and view the proofs. Scroll down, also and read the Petition for Writ of Error, Coram Vobis, posted ifra.