The City of Hollywood Florida is one of the most corrupt Cities in the country. The City's police department (with the acquiescence of the governing body) has ascribed a nomenclature to its policy of falsifying evidence; the City of Hollywood calls such corruption, "DOING A LITTLE WALT DISNEY ON THE EVIDENCE." MSNBC, Fox, CNN and all major news agencies want to know why.
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The history of the Hollywood (FL) police department is sickening. Some of their atrocities are noted on Youtube:
Immediately below, you will see the attack and assault upon Baker, which occurred in less than 60 seconds after entering the holding area. The cops and the City of Hollywood manufactured a video and redacted these frames (among many others), before sending the video to the State Attorney's Office for prosecution.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Exposing Official Corruption >>
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
A recent post on the JAABlog asked the question: "When will Satz arrest the Disney Cops (from the City of Hollywood in the Terrens-Vilas case)?" Although Scott Raft is the Top ASA in Broward County, and in charge of political corruption cases, I was recently told that Satz has successfully prosecuted only one such case in the past 30 years. That says a lot for Mr. Satz "Two-Tiered System of Charging" in Broward County, wherein cops and other "elite" will not be charged or prosecuted.
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In the State v. Donald Baker case, which this web site is about, and will continue to be about until justice is done, Mr. Satz was provided the charging-package video that has been played above. Mr. Satz also had a second video that showed and proved that the charging-package video was false and that the City of Hollywood had effected "A Little Walt Disney (and 'A Lot of Hitchcock') on the evidence. As far back as I can remember, it is a crime to falsify public records, and it is an obstruction of justice, also. When there are so many people working on falsification of the evidence, together, it becomes a conspiracy to deprive the victim of the falsification of his constitutional rights to due process, equal protection, access to the courts, and more. The KKK Act of 1871 now codified as Title 18 U.S.C. §§ 241-242 calls this conspiracy and the effect of the conspiracy a crime. Each of the players on the conspiracy side of the equasion have violated the federal Misprision of Felony Act, Title 18 U.S.C. § 4, which makes the failure of Satz, Edwards, Finkelstein, Raft, Torres, Schweiker, and others, to report these felonies to the proper prosecuting authorities as a felony, itself, apart from the conspiracy. Indeed, Judge Michael Gates acknowledged the falsity of the evidence in the Baker Case, but joined with Mr. Satz to protect the arrant Hollywood police. Judge Gates knowingly and intentionally sentenced an innocent man to serve 60 months in the state prison. When this case came back before Judge Gates on habeas corpus, he allowed the state to delay the case for a year before finally being ordered by the 4th DCA to immediately set a hearing. The DCA Ordered Gates to set the case for a hearing, allow the State 10 days to file their Answer, and then to allow Baker 10 days to file his Reply to the State's Answer. Upon the direction of the Court of Appeal, Gates set a hearing date; he allowed the State 10 days to file their Answer; but, he refused to allow Baker to file his Reply to the State's Answer, and on the 6th day after the State filed their Answer, Judge Gates adopted the State's Answer as the Order of his court. Gates also allowed the State to dictate to him that the State would and had conducted post-conviction ex-parte discovery by an apocryphal re-examination of the video evidence, which evidence, Judge Gates had already ruled was tainted and which had, indeed, met the first prong of Rule 3.600(a)(3), of the Rules of Criminal Proceure. I.e., that had the jury been made aware of the falsified evidence, a different result would have obtained. In the habeas proceedings, Gates had his own axe to bear, because Scott Hecker indicated to Gates at the time of sentencing that he knew that judge Gates knew that the evidence was false, and Hecker guaranteed Judge Gates that this case would come back to haunt him. Gates tried to avoid this case altogether and ignored suggestions of disqualification. However, the allegations contained in the suggestions were brought out when the state, through Scott Raft, after securing yet another 3 month delay, offered Baker his freedom if Baker would renounce the truth and withdraw his habeas action. When Gates continued the case for another 3 months (and Baker realized that the State would continue this case forever and obstruct his right to habeas relief, because Baker had already served 42 months on the 60 month sentence imposed). Baker's resolve collapsed and he agreed to renounce the truth and withdraw his petition. That, however, was not enough for Judge Gates. Hearing of the State's continuing offer of freedon since the discovery that their evidence was false, Judge Gates jumped from his chair and screamed, "Isn't this the guy who said that he could not get a fair trial in front of me? And, isn't this the same donald Baker who said that I had ex parte off the record conversations with the state?" (The transcript of the proceedings is not correct at this juncture, because in reality, Judge Gates loudly said, "I will not be bound by any agreement of the state." Baker immediately retracted his offer to renounce the truth. Several days later, and in the absence of any official court proceeding, and in the absence of negotiations with Baker, Judge Gates recalled Baker to court and announced his willingness to go along with the state's offer of freedom in exchange for a renouncement of the truth and the withdrawal of the habeas petition. It is clear that, again, Gates had ex parte off the record communications with the state, and the state advised judge gates of the reasons for the deal, which was to set up a Heck v. Humphries defense to a §1983 Civil Rights action, and to prevent the fact of Judge Gates knowingly sentencing an innocent person to prison from becomming public knowledge.
This goes beyond "Doing a Little Walt Disney on the Evidence," this is absolute corruption; "doing a Little Hitchcock/Psycho on the Evidence." This video was contrived by the City of Hollywood Police Department and Forrest Jeffries (the Head of Internal Affairs), and sent to the State Attorney, Michael Satz, as proof that Baker committed battery on two police officers, resisted arrest with violence and without violence, and deprived an officer of his means of communication in an emergency.
The Hollywood corruption in the Terrens-Vilas case was "Doing a Little Walt Disney on the Evidence," but Baker was severely and permanently injured and spend four days in intensive care before being forcably removed from the hospital under the pretext that the "jail hospital could adequately treat Baker's injuries." THERE IS NO HOSPITAL AT THE JAIL, and Baker was left to languish in excrutiating pain and unable to walk for the next six weeks after his medications, including his pain medications, were deprived him. So, the following video has been "Disneyed," the videos in the Baker case were more in line with Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho. Here is the torrens-vilas video; the corruption was caught on a microphone accidently left open>> http://www.syracuse.com/today/index.ssf/2009/08/police_officers_accused_of_fra.html